Frequently Asked Questions
How do I know if Spiritual Direction is for Me?
Below are some questions to consider.
Do you...
want to grow deeper in your understanding of yourself?
desire to learn life practices of grounding, connectedness, and self-reflection?
desire to deepen your spiritual life?
want to deconstruct and/or reconstruct your faith?
feel distant from God's love?
need a jump start on your prayer life?
need help making a life decision?
What is Spiritual Direction?
Spiritual Direction is a spiritual practice and an ongoing conversation between you, the director, and the spirit/universe about anything that is on your mind and heart, whether that topic feels directly spiritual or not. Put another way, Spiritual Direction helps a person connect their spiritual life with their everyday world. There are no easy answers, no quick fixes, and no formulas. Time is filled with sharing, questions, silence, and listening.
What is a Spiritual Director?
A Spiritual Director is someone who seeks to help others make sense of what is happening in their spiritual life connecting it with their everyday experiences. They may offer suggestions or ideas, but do not tell a directee what to do.
What can I expect during a session?
What happens in a Spiritual Direction session depends on you. Sessions are guided by what you, the directee, want to talk about. However, during the conversation there will be listening, questions, and silence. There also maybe crying, colorful language, and laughter.
How long do people usually meet with a spiritual director?
Spiritual direction is meant to be a spiritual practice built into the fabric of your life like: prayer/meditation, reading, exercise, and participating in a community. For this reason, many people incorporate it into their life practices for the long haul. However, it is recommended that a person make a12 month commitment at first.
Do you only work with people who identify as Christian?
No! My belief is that everyone is created good, known, and loved. While my spirituality is grounded in Jesus, I provide a safe space and am welcoming of all people to explore their connection with their spiritual and physical life.
Getting Started
If you are interested in getting started or have more specific questions please contact me to set up a free consultation.